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May 5, 2016, 11:52 AM
It’s always exciting when we hand out new uniforms, and this year was no exception with our nursery children. It’s no easy task getting over 100 small children into new t-shirts and shorts … but after turning things back round the right way, rescuing some stuck heads and getting a leg in each hole… we made it!
Apr 15, 2016, 2:22 PM
Our Income Generating Activities (IGA) scheme is indisputably a high-impact and sustainable method of helping a family lift themselves out of the worst extremes of poverty. But why is it that 95% of parents starting a business with us are mums? Why don’t the dads engage?
Apr 6, 2016, 5:13 PM
Yesterday Bex was standing by the school gate when two young boys turned up and stared at her through the bars. She asked them what they wanted and they said they’d come to see their brother. “Because our other brother is dead.”
Mar 24, 2016, 3:02 PM
The CoH school choirs are about to get a big boost in the form of new musical instruments – thanks to kind staff and pupils at Dauntsey Academy Primary School. They held a Night at the Musicals event… which raised £327 for the choirs.
Mar 18, 2016, 12:02 PM
Huge thanks to everyone who sent support for the families whose slum homes were burned down in an arson attack recently. One of the huts was home to a Child of Hope pupil and we ended up moving the family into a different home as they had no money.
Mar 16, 2016, 4:20 PM
In May we will be exhibiting at the Elim Church Leaders’ Summit at Harrogate, and hope to build on some great relationships among the 500+ UK and Irish churches represented there.
Mar 8, 2016, 5:12 PM
Finding a good job when they finish education will help break the cycle of poverty for many of our schoolchildren, so we’ve ramped up our vocational training sessions.
Mar 3, 2016, 3:50 PM
Mariko has just started secondary school and he’s feeling pretty chuffed with himself. He’s a young man who’s had a tough start in life and has struggled with being orphaned, being let down, negative peer pressure and a lot of struggles. But life is heading in the right direction and he’s determined to keep going.
Mar 1, 2016, 3:03 PM
After two of her children died, Joyce Mary was left raising four grandchildren… and was struggling to make ends meet. But since the start of her IGA business around 20 months ago, she can afford to pay for two children to attend local schools, while another attends Child of Hope school for free and the fourth child is still at home with her. She is extremely happy that she can look after them all, providing clothes for them, paying the rent, buying water and getting charcoal for fuel to cook.
Feb 25, 2016, 4:14 PM
Last night more than 20 huts were deliberately burnt in Namatala – families woke up with burning embers falling on their heads and were just able to escape with their lives.