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Oct 3, 2016, 3:21 PM
This young guy, Peter (aged 15), used to be a street kid… but is now pretty chuffed with himself for reaching secondary school.
Sep 27, 2016, 2:34 PM
We're often asked: “How do you choose which children to take into Child of Hope?” It’s a serious question and the answer is evolving and improving year-on-year. A lot of parents in the slum want their child to get a free place at the nursery school, thereby accessing all the other Child of Hope programmes (healthcare, food, primary education, income-generating opportunities for families, clothing and welfare).
Sep 12, 2016, 5:04 PM
Mum-of-six Margret was so poor that she didn’t have a mattress to sleep on – which became one of her goals when we helped her start her own business selling vegetables.
Sep 5, 2016, 4:02 PM
Meet Alice. At nine years old she was fighting for her life after an horrific accident with a paraffin lamp that gave her third degree burns over her abdomen, chest, upper arms and neck.
Aug 31, 2016, 4:25 PM
Land behind the school has been converted for an ongoing project that will train our pupils in growing certain vegetables, such as potatoes, peas, beans, cabbage, egg plants and tomatoes.
Aug 25, 2016, 4:16 PM
We’re very pleased with the way our new vocational programme is going – it’s helping our less-academic kids gain some very useful skills that let them their sights on future jobs.
Aug 22, 2016, 12:13 PM
A trade show arrived at the football stadium in Mbale, complete with wild animals – and we took our our older children (P4, 5, and 6) along to see it.
Aug 16, 2016, 4:12 PM
Child of Hope have become a charity partner of Christian Legacy, a body which helps people understand the value and purpose of leaving a gift to a charity in your will. It produces a free legacy guide, which can be requested online.
Aug 11, 2016, 9:58 AM
​Just for fun... here’s a very short video showing all 460 pupils and staff at our school in the Namatala Slum – standing on the verandas at the school and cheering their heads off for half a minute.
Aug 8, 2016, 3:17 PM
With new threats against educational institutions in our area of Uganda, we've built a secure entrance and fencing all around the school.