Schools: Get involved

The Child of Hope schools in Uganda enjoy long-term cultural links with various schools in the UK and we are producing a series of videos to show what life is like for the children (see videos below). We also offer plenty of communication between the schools and we can arrange video calls, pen pal letters and a visit from one of our frontline Ugandan staff (usually once a year) for assemblies and/or classroom sessions. 

Our nursery and primary schools cover ages 3-13.  With our videos, you can help the children in your school reflect on their own sense of community and the responsibilities which go alongside their rights as citizens – and compare this with the children who attend Child of Hope School in the Namatala slum in Mbale, Uganda. Then see how the children there have the same needs, likes, dislikes, hopes and dreams as children in your school. It will help your pupils to consider their own feelings and emotions as well as those of children living in poverty. This could be a great discussion on the way children learn and play... looking for the similarities as well as the differences.

Our new secondary school is based in Namabasa, which is just across the river from Namatala. There are currently four classes in the school- Senior 1 to Senior 4. In Senior 4 the children take their O-levels.  

Several schools enjoy arranging fundraising activities (sponsored events, cake sales etc) to support Child of Hope – for which we are always grateful but it is not a requirement.

We also run our Give and Learn Day, where UK schools can use our free resources to learn like a Ugandan for the day whilst raising funds for Child of Hope. Click below to find out more. 

Please contact our education advisor, Lucy Swift, at to discuss a global link between schools.

GAL Day banner 2 no date.png

Namatala teaching pack cover.pngA scheme of work for KS1 geography based on Child of Hope and Namatala is now available from the following link:
It was written to support teachers of KS1 to plan and teach the National Curriculum for Geography: place knowledge.

Ofsted and SIAMs
Here are two downloadable documents that  show how a link with Child of Hope can fulfil some of the criteria for Ofsted and also SIAMS (inspection of church schools):










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