
Because his mother lives and works far away in Kenya, Boniface has lived with his grandmother Mary during term-time since he was a little boy attending Child of Hope nursery. He is now in secondary school and often visits his mother in the holidays, but Coronavirus has put paid to this for the past three months.

Since lockdown, people have been unable to move around and all public transport has ceased. This means people cannot travel to visit relatives, which is especially hard as maintaining family connections is particularly important to Ugandans. Also, Uganda has no Face Time or Zoom to fill the gap.

While he is happy with the care he receives from Mary, who is part of our IGA scheme, Boniface naturally misses his mum. Mary owns her grass-thatched house in the slum but hopes to save for a more substantial dwelling in the future.

Normally, she would be running her small ‘restaurant’ business where she cooks food for some security guards who have an office near her home. But during Covid-19, they are grateful to be receiving practical support from Child of Hope to help them through.