Please could you help us build a secondary school for slum children?
It will mean that we can continue to provide a free, high-quality education for our pupils, not just to the end of their primary school, but right through secondary education – giving them a very high chance of finding a good job. Remember, these children are some of the poorest in the slum and would previously have had no education at all; which most likely would have resulted in a terrible future of utter poverty… crime, disease, rubbish-scavenging and prostitution.
So we’re working hard to raise £102,550 that will allow us to build a brand-new nursery/primary school close by and then convert our current primary school premises into a secondary school. Construction will start by January 2019 and the schools will open in January 2020!
So, please can you help us? We have already received £73,270 in gifts and pledges – around 71% of the target – so we’re well on our way!
For more information on the project and why it is so desperately needed, please click here. And if you would like to donate or raise some funds for the project, please click DONATE above and you will be taken to our special appeal page on JustGiving. Thanks!